K-6 Science for the Next Generation

Lesson Plans
What are Non-living Things?

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and name non-living things in the environment.
  • Differentiate between living and non-living things based on movement and growth.
  • Compare and contrast a living puppy with a non-living teddy bear.
  • Recognize that non-living things cannot produce new items or change on their own.

Introduction and Hook

Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of non-living things. Explain that non-living things do not move, grow, or change on their own.

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Introduce the topic with a visual comparison between a living puppy and a non-living teddy bear. Discuss the differences in movement and growth.

Direct Instruction

Use the video 'What Are Living and Non-living Things?' to explain the key differences between living and non-living things. The video provides clear examples and engaging visuals.

Video thumbnail

Discuss how non-living things cannot produce new items or change on their own, using examples like rocks and toys.

Guided Exploration

Watch the video 'Living and Non-living Things – Can you tell the difference?' to reinforce understanding through interactive elements and classification activities.

Video thumbnail

Engage students in a discussion about the characteristics of non-living things, encouraging them to identify examples in their environment.

Hands-On Activity

Have students classify objects in the classroom or at home as living or non-living. Use a sorting chart to visually categorize the items.

Use the assessment 'Is It a Living or Non-living Thing?' to evaluate understanding through a checkbox activity, helping students apply their knowledge practically.

Assessment thumbnail

Independent Practice

Encourage students to draw pictures of non-living things they see at home and label them. This reinforces their ability to identify non-living objects.

Ask students to write a short sentence about why their chosen objects are non-living.

Check for Understanding

Conduct a quick quiz using the 'Try the Quiz' button to assess students' comprehension of non-living things.

Try the Quiz

Review and Reflection

Review the key characteristics of non-living things with the class. Encourage students to share their drawings and sentences.

Reflect on the differences between living and non-living things, emphasizing the learning objectives achieved.

Assessment and Extension

Use the assessment 'Review – Living Things Around Us' to evaluate students' understanding of the topic through various activities.

Assessment thumbnail

Extend learning by encouraging students to explore non-living things in different environments, such as parks or playgrounds, and discuss their findings.

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