K-6 Science for the Next Generation

Lesson Plans
The Inner Planets

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and describe the four inner planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
  • Explain the common characteristics of the inner planets, such as solid rocky surfaces and smaller sizes compared to outer planets.
  • Describe the unique features and atmospheres of each inner planet, including their orbital periods and surface conditions.
  • Understand the role of the asteroid belt as a boundary between the inner terrestrial planets and the outer gas giants.

Introduction and Hook

Begin with an engaging question: 'What do you think makes Earth different from its neighboring planets?' This will spark curiosity and set the stage for exploring the inner planets.

Go to the Lesson

Show a short video clip from 'The Eight Planets' to introduce the solar system and highlight the inner planets. This video provides a clear distinction between the rocky inner planets and the gas giants.

Video thumbnail

Direct Instruction

Explain the characteristics of the inner planets, focusing on their solid, rocky surfaces and smaller sizes compared to the outer planets. Use diagrams to illustrate these features.

Discuss the unique features of each inner planet, such as Mercury's craters, Venus's dense atmosphere, Earth's life-supporting conditions, and Mars's red surface.

Guided Exploration

Watch 'Life on Earth – The Habitable Zone' to understand why Earth can support life. This video explains Earth's position in the solar system and its atmosphere's role in maintaining a stable climate.

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Explore the concept of the asteroid belt as a boundary between the inner and outer planets. Use visual aids to show its location and composition.

Hands-On Activity

Conduct a model-building activity where students create scale models of the inner planets using clay or other materials. This helps them understand the size differences and surface features.

Independent Practice

Assign the 'Planet Comparisons' worksheet to reinforce learning. Students will compare the inner planets based on key characteristics such as size, atmosphere, and orbital period.

Assessment thumbnail

Check for Understanding

Engage students in a discussion to review the unique features of each inner planet. Ask questions like, 'Why is Venus hotter than Mercury?' to assess comprehension.

Review and Reflection

Have students reflect on what they have learned by writing a short paragraph about their favorite inner planet and why it interests them.

Assessment and Extension

Use the 'Review – The Universe' assessment to evaluate students' understanding of the inner planets and their place in the solar system.

Try the Quiz
Assessment thumbnail

For an extension activity, students can research and present on the role of the asteroid belt in separating the inner and outer planets.

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